Levelling and grading the soil is child's play with the Weterings levellers. They are easy to operate and deliver perfect results almost automatically. Thanks in part to laser technology developed in-house, RW Graders work quickly and with millimetre accuracy. Greenhouse soil, sports fields, golf courses, building sites… You can use them intensively for everything. With the RW Graders, Weterings shows that high-tech can also be indestructible.
Extensive possibilities
The RW Graders are available in various widths. And with the many options, you can fully customise the machine. Tiltable receiving masts, additional laser equipment, a round pusher… In addition to the ‘towed’ version, you can also choose a three-point linkage so that the RW Grader can be mounted on the linkage of a tractor. You then have a shorter turning radius and you can drive backwards at high speed and/or quickly move larger mounds of soil.

Who knows better how the RW Grader works than those who work with it?
They choose the RW Grader

There is an RW Grader that is made just for you. Weterings will quickly tell you which one it is
The RW Graders are available in various widths. There are also several options available to customise the machine even more. Weterings is happy to help you make the right choices.
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Would you like to know more about the products or services of Weterings? Or would you like to make an appointment for an inspection or a meeting without obligation? If you fill in the form below we will contact you as soon as possible. Simply calling +31 (0)174 - 416 481 is of course fine as well.